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3 Trending Tech & Business Topics in 2018

The new year is in full swing, and the worlds of technology and business are both buzzing! Here are some of the top stories in these fields – how will these stories continue to unfold throughout the year? Joe & Josh Talk will be keeping you updated on all this and more!

1.      Spectre and Meltdown Wreak Technological Havoc

We’ve all heard of viruses and spyware – but Spectre and Meltdown take cyber threats to a whole new level. These recently discovered security holes are present in some of the world’s most popular processors, meaning hackers could potentially access MILLIONS of devices across the world!

The good news is, there are workarounds. The bad news is, the vulnerabilities are still there. Now that we know older technology can be subject to serious new flaws as it ages, it begs the question – will there be more cyber threats like this throughout the year?

2.      Has Facebook Peaked? Site Usage is Down

Facebook has changed the game for social media sites. Alongside tech juggernauts like Google and YouTube, Facebook has become a force in the digital world. But Facebook’s growth hasn’t kept on par with it’s competitors. Though people are still signing up, Facebook usage continues to drop.  

This could be because the company is investing heavily in Portal, their answer to the Amazon Echo Show. But no social media site can stay on top forever – just ask Myspace!

3.      More Companies Announce Blockchain Initiatives

Think about how the internet changed the game for technology around the world. It would take a pretty big innovation to make that big of an impact again, right? Well, get ready – because that innovation may be here, and its name is the blockchain.

This distributed ledger is designed to record transactions and process contractual agreements. It's decentralized, which means it removes the middleman and stops special interests from taking control. Once refined, it could speed up and secure digital activities like nothing we've ever seen before. Now more companies are moving toward this mysterious technology. How will it affect our world in 2018 and beyond?

Follow/subscribe to Joe & Josh Talk for more updates about the ever-changing landscape in business and technology!



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