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Showing posts from October, 2017

The War Is On! | TWD S8E1 “Mercy” Review & Recap

We wanted war, and we got it. The Walking Dead started season 8 off with a bang, showing Rick and the group taking a calculated, strategic approach to dismantling Negan’s empire. After Daryl gets some intel from Dwight, we see Negan’s lookouts getting picked off one by one. Anticipating that such a loss of ground would result in an investigation, the crew has already rigged up a trap to dismantle the soldiers Negan sent out. The three communities combine their forces, rolling up to The Sanctuary in armored vehicles and packing enough firepower to stand their ground. It’s then the showrunners reference a concept that still doesn’t get the attention it deserves – Negan’s followers. His lieutenants are all given a choice to walk away. They’re all there – Simon, Gavin, Dwight, Eugene and…Regina? Fine, but that fifth spot could’ve gone to Arat, just saying. Rick holds off on the fire fight here because he understands a simple truth that has been

UFC 216 Results and Recap

UFC 216 was a night of title matches and dynamic finishes. Demetrious “Mighty Mouse” Johnson faced Ray Borg in his quest to make history. After getting the better of his foe throughout the first four rounds, Johnson put an exclamation point on his victory with an incredible submission that has since gone viral. With his victory over Borg, Johnson extends his record to 11 consecutive title defenses. This tops the former record which was set by middleweight legend Anderson Silva. Tony Ferguson solidified his spot as the interim lightweight champion, defeating rival Kevin Lee in the third round. Ferguson also found victory with a submission, using a triangle choke to end a competitive bout. After the fight, Ferguson called out lightweight champion Conor McGregor. A title unification bout between the two is expected, though no date has been set.   Fabricio Werdum was originally scheduled to face Derrick Lewis, but Lewis pulled out on short notice. He was replaced

Where Do Eugene’s Loyalties Really Lie? | TWD Season 8’s Biggest Questions

  We’re only a few weeks away from the beginning of an all-out war in The Walking Dead. As the two sides prepare to face off, at least one man is on a different team than the one he started  with – or is he? Negan and The Saviors have a system that gives obedient people resources, and in some cases, power over others. For as long as we’ve known him, Eugene has been willing to do anything to get these two things. In a show where people aren’t above brutalizing other humans to get what they want, Eugene’s method has always been a stark contrast from the norm. He’s more brains than brawn, and he’s more about fraud than force. Eugene spent his early days in the series tricking Abraham and the others who bought his DC scientist story. While his actions were questionable, he knew it was his best chance of survival. In the world of Season 7, it was clear that Negan’s side was the winning side. After his bullet-making skills ended up getting him conscripted, Euge